Stanza -Four Line necklaces

I found these lovely barrel shaped dyed wooden beads in the market and felt like making really bold almost tribalish necklaces in four lines. Four lines in a poem is usually referred to as a stanza, so I thought of naming this category –STANZA. I made these two lovely necklaces in red and blue to begin with – blue is totally wood and the red is wood + acrylic


 For the last couple of months I was doing a freelance project working long hours on my computer and kept ignoring the pain in my right hand and the Carpal tunnel syndrome that was causing it. So When I went to work on the metal collection which I was really really excited about as I was working with sheet metal and patinas and ink for the first time- cutting, filling, texturing metal; I dint realise that that it was exactly the kind of hard manual work I shouldnt have done. It was foolish of me to try and as you all know foolishness always comes with a price. Its been more than 12 days now and I havent been able to use my right hand for more than 5-10 minutes at a time and its been a slow and painful process trying to literally teach my left hand to hold stuff, type, eat, dress, cook and clean. My ongoing infection and latent nerve problems arent helping either. so there is not going to be much on either the jewelry front or blog for some time as these were the last necklaces that I completed. I feel weird for writing  blogging all this, but I guess I needed an outlet as crafting  (which is my usual outlet) is impossible now. hopefully my hand will heal soon and any thoughts on getting my hand back without pain (that does not involve drugs – prescription or otherwise) will be appreciated!!

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